Riley Walz


March 12, 2020

I was flipping through news channels last night when Chris Cuomo was wrapping his show up on CNN.

Listen, this is a time to be honest with one another. We are in a new normal, and we don't know how long it's going to last.

But as the President told you tonight, it's going to change, and there is going to be limited travel from Europe for the next 30 days. There will be some exceptions. Obviously, if you are a United States resident, it's different.

But the NBA cancelled games. You're going to see more of it. Schools are going to close. You're going to see more of it. Your ability to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, how you want to do it, no matter where you live, it's going to change. But remember why.

If we do the right things now - I know we got a late start. I know there is blame for that. You got to put it to the side because you've got to get better now. If you do it now, you won't be Italy. You will get better faster. That's the hope.

Now, I have been following news about the coronavirus over the last few months. But at that moment, it really struck me just how big of a deal this is. I know I have nothing to be worried about if I get sick, but my way of life will change in a way that it never has before. I was overcome with anger, fear and emotion. I imagine it's what people feel as they enlisted to fight in wars, except there is no war in that sense now. It's humanity versus a virus.

As a senior in high school, I'm taking every single school day like it could be my last. School and sports will likely be cancelled soon, but there's no telling when.